The antenna I rely on to make communication with my family in a disaster. Tested to 100 watts SSB, 50 watts CW/digital. Length: 130' with all elements deployed. All connections HAND SOLDERED, each antenna is manually checked tested for swr and tuned if needed. Weighing in at just several ounces this antenna is highly portable.
It can fit in your back pocket and is designed for man packable radio kits and EDC kits. It is designed to be setup very low to the ground(6'-10') in an inverted vee. Setup low like this you get the best NVIS propagation and it also give the advatange of being able to reach the links to change bands easily. Each antenna is HAND BUILT and HAND TUNED here in the USA.Showing roughly 1.1:1 SWR in the middle of each band. The wire elements are built with Dx engineering 26AWG stealth antenna wire.
It's composed of 4 different full length elements corresponding to the bands listed above as well as insulating links and electrical connections. The feedpoint is BNC female. We've tested this antenna using NVIS principals and experience reliable communications from 0-300 miles with NO SKIP ZONE.This antenna is designed to be used for local and regional emergency communications with your people when vhf repeaters are down or congested. It can be deployed quickly over a fence, low hanging branch, or roof of a car. When on battery power and QRP, every watt counts. You NEED a resonant antenna.