Alpha Delta DX-LB-PLUS Low Band Parallel Dipole - Covers 160, 80, 40, 20, 10 M. Alpha Delta Parallel Dipole (160-10) Low Band Dipole Covers 160-80-40 meters with an overall length of only 100 ft. PLUS Model adds parallel wires for operation on 20 thru 10 meters. Antenna performance and 2:1 VSWR bandwidth is site dependent and varies with height above ground and surrounding objects. The typical bandwidth is: 160M - 20kHz.
Full band coverage can be accomplished with an antenna tuner. Wire, stainless steel hardware and uses the Model DELTA-C static protected center insulator and CIN end insulators. Use coax or open wire line and configure as a dipole or inverted-V. Assembled and ready to go!Modified radios do not qualify for direct replacement unless GigaParts performed the modification. Is a full service computer and amateur radio store. Our PC department stocks the latest components for upgrading your PC, building your own PC, or having us build one for you. Our Radio department features the latest products from manufacturers such as Alinco, Icom, Kenwood®, Yaesu, MFJ, Diamond, and many more.
Whether you're a DX'er looking for the latest HF rig or a soon-to-be-HAM looking for study materials and a two-meter handie talkie, we have what you need! We look forward to adding you to our long list of satisfied customers. You may also be interested in..