Deepace R200 direction finding antenna 20-200MHz

The R200 is a lightweight, cost-effective, and user-friendly VHF direction finding antenna designed to operate within the frequency range of 20MHz to 200MHz, covering CB, broadcasting, and aviation bands. It offers excellent directionality within its operational range, with a typical front-to-back ratio of 10dB and clear sidelobes, making it ideal for use with the KC908 handheld receiver for direction finding operations. Featuring a lightweight design utilizing aluminum and carbon fiber materials, the R200 is engineered for reduced weight, alleviating the burden on direction finding operators. Its passive antenna design is suitable for direction finding in scenarios with strong signal presence. Whether for amateur radio enthusiasts, broadcasting professionals, or aviation enthusiasts, the R200 VHF direction finding antenna provides a reliable and efficient solution for identifying and locating signals within the VHF frequency spectrum. Accurate radiation directionality: Determines direction by pointing towards the maximum signal amplitude. High bandwidth with excellent consistency.
Composite material design for ultra-lightweight construction. Passive antenna design to minimize signal blockage. Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR). Dimensions: 410 × 300 × 95 mm (including handle).