Transmit confidently on specified frequencies, prioritizing safety with a design that guards against high VSWR. Robust driving durability and secure installations ensure a seamless experience for amateur radio enthusiasts. "Safety-First Transmission Assurance" Avoid radio equipment damage with vigilant transmission practices. Regular inspections and fastener tightening maintain equipment safety. Drive securely, preventing accidents from impacts, and prioritize safety during transmissions.
"Aerial Mastery on the Move" Navigate with confidence, safeguarding the antenna from impacts. Install in low-vibration locations and ensure tight fasteners for durability during driving. Transmit safely, especially when parked, minimizing the risk of accidents. "Optimal Performance Installation" Achieve peak performance with robust installations.
Utilize large brackets in secure locations, confirming performance before use. Safely route coaxial cables, avoiding interference with driving and steering clear of adjustments while on the move. "Professional Grounding for Aerial Excellence" Ensure proper grounding, minimizing standing wave ratio. Avoid mounting near other antennas or car bumpers. Consider the GRA-MAT50 grounding system for enhanced performance.
Versatile Connectivity with 3/8-24 and UHF Connectors. Choose from two connector types - 3/8-24 and UHF - providing versatile connectivity options. Prioritize compatibility by selecting the connector that seamlessly aligns with your equipment.
This ensures a reliable and efficient connection for your amateur radio operations. Precision Tuning with Adjustable Main Coil. Tailor your radio experience with the adjustable main coil, allowing precise tuning within the 1.850MHz frequency range. Achieve optimal performance, adapting seamlessly to your specific frequency requirements.Versatile Accessories for Enhanced Capabilities. Explore diverse frequency bands with included accessories like the 1.8MHz coil, Manpack Collapsible Whip with M10 connector, and a dedicated 50MHz Whip. This comprehensive set enhances your radio capabilities, offering versatility for varied communication needs. Revolutionary M10 Connector Manpack Collapsible Whip.
Introducing the revolutionary M10 connector Manpack Collapsible Whip, a game-changer for amateur radio enthusiasts. Inspired by tent framework design, this antenna features a unique segmented construction, combining portability with exceptional sturdiness and flexibility. Seamlessly adaptable to various settings, it redefines your radio experience. Dedication to Durability with Precision Engineering.Crafted with the same dedication to durability as the GRA-M105 antenna, our connectors and adapters feature precision engineering and high-grade materials. Experience the GRA-RPG Protable Broadband Antenna, where precision tuning, versatile accessories, revolutionary M10 connector technology, and unwavering durability redefine the standards of amateur radio excellence. Package Size: inch. Package Weight: 3.4 Pound (3/8-24 Connectors)?
3.6 Pound (PL-259 Connectors).